The World's Most popular U2 Tribute band
The World's Most popular U2 Tribute band
Est. in 2021 - Grunge N Glam plays the best of the 80's hair metal and 90's grunge scenes. Even though it is widely believed that grunge ended the hair metal scene, GNG recognizes that these two genres are in fact musical cousins and should be celebrated as such.
Former bands include; 3rd Wish, Ockham's Razor, The Progdog, ONE (A Tribute to U2), Alternavox, Acoustic Co.
Former bands include; Big Gunz, Psycho Street, Graffiti, 32nd High, New Wave Nation, The Progdog, Fubar, The Four Horsemen, JJ's Revenge.
Former bands include; Odd Man Out, 24 Seven, Dark Side of the Moon, Crucial Crue/Crued.
Former bands include; Satan's Void (Black Sabbath tribute), ONE (A Tribute to U2), Alternavox.
Former bands include; Piano Fiasco, Fubar, Rock Shop
Tickets on sale Thursday January 30th. Presale code OCTAVE.